The Working Group
We study the history of computing and informatics with a view to providing the impetus to preserve the records and artifacts of information processing inventions, practices, and activities throughout the world under the auspices of IFIP and its constituent organizations. We are especially interested in the socio-historical context and the consequences of the choice of information technology.
Some of the aims of the organization are to:
- Exchange information regarding the methods and techniques of historiography, especially as related to the opportunities for the study of contemporary history of technology
- Encourage the development of national archives. Provide expertise for the design, implementation, and operation of archives and displays related to the history of computing and information processing.
- Develop a program of "Pioneers' Days" that recognize the contribution of pioneers and anniversaries of major events and identify pioneers worthy of appreciation and distinction through "IFIP Pioneer Awards."
- Plan publications for histories of computing and information processing.
- Promote the inclusion of historical modules in appropriate curricula.
The International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) was founded in 1960. It is a nongovernmental organization dedicated to information and communication technologies and sciences. It sponsors fourteen committees primarily of a technical nature. Technical Committee 9, however, is dedicated to ICT and society. Working Group 9.7 is part of this committee.
Working Group Leadership
There are three officers of Working Group 9.7.
Christopher Leslie
Lecturer, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Prince of Songkla University, Hat Yai, Thailand

This position is currently vacant.
Mailing List
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