General Guidelines
Draft papers should be submitted in Microsoft Word (.docx or .docm) format without any identifying information in the text or metadata in order to ensure anonymous peer review.
Although it is not necessary to use these exact headings, each paper typically has the following components:
- Title
- Abstract (around 200 words, an abstract provides an overview of parts 4–9, below, each summarized in one or two sentences)
- Keywords (three to five subject words)
- Introduction (overview of topic and the author(s) thesis/opinion about the topic)
- Literature Review (overview of relevant, previously published research that describes how the paper fits with or challenges existing ideas in the history of computing)
- Methodology (optional)
- Observations (description of relevant cases or other data)
- Discussion (evaluation and implications of the thesis. For instance: how well was the thesis supported? what should professionals do now? what future work should follow from this investigation?)
- Conclusion (optional; brief statement of the outcome of the research)
- Acknowledgement (optional)
- Disclosure of Interests (required: competing interests, or a statement that there are no competing interests)
- Appendix or Appendices (optional; detailed information that readers will find helpful but is too lengthy to be included in the body of the paper)
- References (any professional format is suitable for a draft paper; for the published proceedings, Springer AICT uses numbered references in the order they were cited as shown in the templates)
There is no minimum length for the draft paper; at this stage, papers will generally be 5 to 15 pages. Reviewers expect that you will develop the paper further, partly in response to their comments and the comments from workshop participants. Papers for the proceedings are generally 3,000 to 5,000 words, but longer papers can be accommodated.
More information about tables, figures, citing sources, and other topics is available in the custom template for HC 2024, which is based on the Springer LNCS template. The first draft may use the Springer template, but this is not required. Please note that this template uses macros, and disabling macros when you open the file will make the article difficult to edit. In order to open the document in Windows, you may have to temporarily override your computer’s security systems to allow documents with macros. The official Springer LNCS documentation along with a templates customized for HCA 2024 in Mac and Windows format are available for download.
Process Overview
Working Group 9.7 requests the submission of draft papers for consideration because we are focused on producing an excellent proceedings volume of selected, edited papers that will be published by Springer in its Advances in Information and Computing Technology (AICT) series.
Paper submission is now open and ends on 1 April 2024. At the initial stage, author(s) submit anonymized files in Microsoft Word format. Members of the program committee will review each paper anonymously, make comments to the author(s), and recommend whether the paper should be included as part of the workshop.
After acceptances are announced, author(s) have a few months to address the comments of the peer reviewers in a revised paper (and to prepare the document in the Springer template if they have not already). In order to generate genuine discussion during the workshop, draft papers will be circulated in advance of the workshop so that participants can read papers and prepare their comments in advance.
Author(s) have the opportunity to revise their papers again after the workshop and submit them for consideration. Selected, edited papers will be published in a proceedings volume after the workshop.
More Information
For more information, see the HCA 2024 Call for Papers page.