This Changed Everything
Please note: the deadline to submit a paper for this workshop has passed. More information is available from the HCC 13 website: <>
- History theme sponsored by IFIP Working Group 9.7
- 13th TC9 Human Choice and Computers Conference: “This Changes Everything”
- In conjunction with the World Computer Congress, 19-21 September 2018, in Poznan, Poland
- Conference Chairs: David Kreps, Kai Kimppa, Louise Leenen, Charles Ess
In the history of computing, who were the important people and what were the important devices that deserve recognition as fulcrums that “changed everything”? In the development of computers as well as the study of history more generally, we also know that the more things change, the more they sometimes stay the same. What shifts in the history of computing are portrayed as changing everything but on closer analysis reveal deeper continuities? How do these lessons give us insight into future invention and innovation in computing?
Historical papers answering these questions will join with other papers regarding ICT and Society for the HCC 13 conference, This Changes Everything. Many of us associate this phrase with Steve Jobs’s introduction of the iPhone in 2007. But there are clearly other candidates for the “this,” e.g., bioinformatic redesign of species or the fourth industrial revolution of artificially intelligent robots. But “this” is also, without question, the greatest challenge of our age: climate change.
HCC 13 invites both academics and practitioners in the field of ICT and Society to take stock of their engagements, review their focus, and assess what and how each and every one of us might be able to contribute to the transformations needed (and already beginning) in local, regional, national and international contexts, towards becoming the diverse, environmentally and socially conscious, and thriving communities.
For complete descriptions, please see the extended CFP on the conference website, <>. Travel, accommodation and all other details will be posted when available.
We invite the submission of full papers that address the conference theme or any of the other track themes. All papers will be subject to double-blind review. Submissions will be through Springer’s OCS Website (see details on submitting at <>). Proceedings will be published in the AICT Springer Book series immediately prior to the conference. Authors of accepted papers will be invited to revise their work in keeping with reviewers’ comments prior to formatting and inclusion in the program and proceedings.
In advance of submissions, please contact Working Group 9.7 Chair Christopher Leslie ([email protected]) with any questions about the history theme of HCC 13.
Working Group 9.7: <>
HCC 13: <>
World Computer Congress: <>